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Ask Few Questions before You Outsource

If you are planning to outsource the accounting services for your business to rest the staff force with less work pressure and to reduce the burden of the management by relieving them from getting into the day-to-day business affairs then the best idea to the issue is to go with Bookkeeping and Accountancy Services Offered by Sunil Khullar Infotech Management Services. Before selecting outsourcing accounting services, you should investigate a little on the matter and should look after the following considerations. Below are a few popular FAQs on Outsourced Bookkeeping.


While doing outsourcing of accounting services, what will be the preferred means of communication?

The best means of communication for outsourcing of accounting services are Encrypted email. It will be convenient for both the parties. A real time communication can be possible with no extra charges. The process of communication saves money and time. The other methods commonly used by us are Webexone, Office Tool Practice Management, Practice CS, Asana and Basecamp. However, to stay connected and communicate regularly with the Outsourced Bookkeeping you can also use Phone Calls, Live Chat, or Skype messages.

How many projects can I outsource at one time? Is there any limitations regarding that?

Depending upon the modules you can outsource the accounting and tax responsibility of your business. There is absolutely no such limitation on the number of projects that you can outsource to Outsourced Bookkeeping.

How will I be charged for the services? Whether it will be gauged by the volume of the project or it is by the hour worked?

The normal pricing structure is charging on basis of per hour of work. The pricing structure differs from service provider to a service provider. Apart from that we can serve you as per your need with a customized module, but it will charge a special amount. So, it will be mutual agreement beforehand. Do write to us with your requirement to get the quote.

After completion of the accounting work, how your company will send it to me?

Outsourced Bookkeeping will send you the completed work through uploading it on a secure method of Remote Desktop Service, Dropbox, Google Drive, Sharedfile.com, Smart Vault and using encrypted email.

What is the time required to finish each job? Will small jobs be completed in less time?

Our normal turnaround time is overnight. However, it will purely depend upon the nature, volume and complexity involved in the job and team’s ability to perform the task. Though the small nature of work can be finished is less time but still you may specify your priority of assignment as per your business requirement.

What will happen to my documents after the assignment is completed?

We never take the hard copies of the data sent by you. We use double monitor system. After completion of the assignment the data will be sent back to you or else it will be completely purged periodically considering about the security of your business secrets, unless it is a recurring assignment such as weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. The processed data will be stored in secured servers, until you need the data.


What is accounting Outsourcing?

Delegating the tedious accounting work to an external agent is called Accounting Outsourcing. Outsourcing is the best suitable alternative where you want to get your work done with expert hand, which is not possible to get at the level of in-house employees. 

How does it benefit a small or medium sized business?

It enhances the business productivity for small and medium sized business. Using Accounting Outsourcing, your business will get a better experience, expertise and the opportunity of advanced analytical equipment.

What are the requisites to follow the process?

You can take the advantage of the service of accounting outsourcing by delegating all your accounting responsibility to Outsourced Bookkeeping. You just need to provide us some raw business data so that with the help of the data (Bank Statements, Check Stubs, Payroll Reports, if any) we can develop the financial statements like profit statement and balance sheet along with other financial reports.

Why should one go for Accounting Outsourcing?

This is a collaborative approach. By adopting the procedure you can delegate the work burden to an expert hand while at the same time you can keep your stress level at a minimum. There is a team of trained and skilled professional at Outsourced Bookkeeping to take care of all the financial affairs of your business.

What is the scope of accounting Outsourcing?

Accounting Outsourcing is an advanced collaborative accounting services offered by Outsourced Bookkeeping, which assists you in recording and managing your financial tasks. We also helps you in the basic business activities like bank reconciliation, mailing invoices, bookkeeping, payroll, monthly reporting and tax planning among others.

How would it benefit the staffs?

It can free your overburdened staff through relieving their work pressure. If your workforce and management exhaust all their time in doing the routine business work then they were not be able to plan anything to achieve the desired organizational goal. So to make the management free from the overloaded work pressure, delegating the time consuming financial routine work to Outsourced Bookkeeping will help you benefit the staffs a lot.

How would it benefit the organization?

Outsourcing of accounting services helps the management in performing other strategic and tactical work through saving the managerial time from doing the tedious and time consuming payroll work. Apart from that, it also contributes in cost saving as no specific bookkeeper is required


How do I pay to you? Which mode of payment do you accept?

We do accept the payments from small clients via Paypal. For large payments, when Paypal is costly, we accept Swift Remittance to our Nostro bank accounts.

Will I get support if I found issues dealing with the program?

Definitely, once you provide the detail of the issue, we shall help you to resolve it. If it is related to third party software, such as QuickBooks or Sage and problem belongs to their technical software part, then QuickBooks or Sage support will need to be contacted.

How does the service benefit the organization technologically?

Through the help of the accounting outsources services all small business can also enjoy the benefit of latest technology in Accounting field and latest revised tax tables, paying no extra money more for the technology up-gradation.

Will the Payroll Knowledge leaving You Alone?

While you are getting everything from Outsourced Bookkeeping Services, your business does not need to depend on a bookkeeper. Sometimes it happens when a bookkeeper gets a new job and he will walk out which will cause a problem for your business. On the other hand, while in getting the work done through expert outsourcing will save you from that pain.

What kind of accuracy, safety and security do you provide?

Outsourced Bookkeeping Services use the best accounting software and technology. You can rest assured on the accuracy of the work along with the safety and security of your business data. We offer the best quality bookkeeping services. Our efficient accounting and bookkeeping services will meet and exceed all your expectations.

We have experience of working on Accounts Payable (Procure to Pay) Processing Services in the following softwares


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