Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Implication of International Accounting Standards

Bookkeeping world is based on universally accepted international accounting standard which is recently replaced in the year of 2001 by IFRS popularly known as International Financial Reporting Standard. A London based independent international standard-setting body regulated by the International Accounting Standard Board. International Accounting Standards or IAS are framed and issued by the International Accounting […]

Welcome to the Virtual World of Accounting Outsourcing

To know something about everything or everything about something is equally difficult for a man of ordinary prudence. Entrepreneurs are not expected to have a complete knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting. There are experts for that in the industry. Business owners should concentrate on the core of their business. They should keep an eye on […]