Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Real Estate business saved 100 hours every month

This Real Estate Business saved 100+ hours every month by outsourcing their Accounts Payable processing work to Outsourced Bookkeeping

The Client:  A leading real estate management company that acquired and managed more than 10,000 single-family homes in the state of Maryland. Challenge:  The real estate company have thousands of scheduled payments, AP, AR and payment adjustments to make which eats away the majority of their time at hand. The total Accounts Payable bills stand at […]

Post COVID-19 Challenges of CPA Firms & 4 Ways Outsourced Accounting Services Can Help

COVID-19 has transformed the accounting landscape. The unpreceded crisis scarred the economy and amplified the strategic accounting needs and requirements of every business. Today, every business – small, medium or large is looking for accounting services that are augmented with strategic advisory and consulting – a good news for CPA firms. The pandemic accelerated the […]

6 Common Tax Deductions Small Business Usually Miss

Tax deductions can serve as incentives to help taxpayers reduce their tax liability. But this is possible when they can are completely aware of all the possible opportunities for deductions. While large enterprises have their accounting department with tax specialists to leverage these deductions, small business owners tend to miss out on these potential savings […]

Avoid Duplicate Payments in Account Payable Process With This 5- Step Guide From Outsourced Bookkeeping

One of the primary reasons for duplicate payments in Accounts Payable is the lack of right information stored at a centralized location. Having a master data portal with Vendor Master Data (VMD) reduces data inaccuracies and account delinquencies. By ensuring all the product detail, service level agreements, quality standards, delivery timelines, and payment information details […]
