Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Change is something which is constant. The environment needs changes. So to survive in every walk of life you have to be dynamic enough to cope with the continuous changes.

Let’s talk about industries. There is always a competition in the business planet. You need to be very competent and well structured to face the business challenges.


It is advisable to all the business owners to get themselves ready to beat the competition and meet the market expectations. For that, the entrepreneurs have to spend much time for their business to reach the goal.

Every business owners are continuously in stress to expand their business and implement some structured changes to cope with the changing demand of the Industry.

Formulating strategies, establishing a plan of action and implementing innovative ideas require lots of time which is quite impossible for an entrepreneur to afford. So they need to be very structured in managing their time and cost so as to get the most of it.

All business no matter whatever they deal but must be having some financial transactions for which they are required to maintain books of accounts and other financial records. Many small firms do it by recruiting in-house staff while big business houses keep a separate accounting division for the same.

Maintaining a separate account department cause you recruiting cost and hiring chartered accountants cost a lot. Hence it becomes difficult for small organizations to follow it.

We suggest you come out of the old traditional method of doing business. Implement some smart technique in your workplace and make the most of it.

We the outsourced bookkeeping are here to help you out. We provide accounting and finance services for small and big organizations operating in the US. We are cost effective not pricey. Any business whether big or small can take the service. It is more beneficial for small business units as they always run with a shortage of capital and want to do the best utilization of the available resources.


  • Small business can get hands to latest accounting techniques.
  • They will get all the benefits of advanced technology and Infrastructure.
  • Reduced business operating cost.
  • Better control over the business.
  • Can maintain a better customer relationship.
  • Better scope to excel the business.


Welcome to the digital business world. Follow the dynamic business practices. Delegate your financial accounting and bookkeeping services to us. We will take care of all your accounting work and keep you updated at any point in time.

We are safe. We are secure. You can trust us regarding the business confidentiality and client data security. Our work environment protects your business secrets and unauthorized data access. We have the firewall installed everywhere with proper audit system to safeguard your client personal details and your business electronic information.

Just send your raw business accounting information. Our trained, skilled team is well equipped to prepare all your financial reports and bookkeeping activities like preparation of several books of accounts, maintaining cash flow, recording bills payments and bills receivables, preparation of P/L account, balance sheet, annual income statements and various other business reports.

Usually, entrepreneurs do not get time to focus on the business core activities. But implementing outsourcing, they can able to spend time on making a strategic plan for the business for its future growth. Thus they can focus more to strengthen their business.

As you can focus more, you can try to get the best for your business. In this way, you can take the business to the next level.

Apart from this accounting and bookkeeping services, we have stretched our arms to other segments of the hospitality industry and property market. So business operating in real estate and restaurant business can also avail our services now.

Trust us. Try our services. We promise you a better business culture with better scope and opportunity. Together we can excel. Together we can succeed and we will make it happen for sure.
