Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


There are some strategies to develop and excel in all business. The entrepreneur knows his business well. So he can plan a guideline to be followed. The management and the leaders should bother about the business enhancement, introducing something new to the niche, making it more effective and beneficial for the user. This will bring sense to the business owner with his view of commencing the business.

We the outsourced Bookkeeping are your true business partners. We are the prominent members in the niche and know the way of doing business. You as a business owner may know the best way of running your business but we can suggest you some required tips necessary for all the business.

Every business has to deal with their financial activities.  Those are the accounting and bookkeeping tasks. These activities are quite necessary for the organization to ascertain the profit of the business and identifying the financial health of the firm.

There are some external parties interested in the profit earned by your business and they are directly or indirectly affected through the same. So following a proper accounting system is quite essential for the business to satisfy the internal and external purposes.

Yes, it is we the outsourced bookkeeping who can help you in the respect. We can shoulder your business headache and remove you from the burden of extra work.

We have a skilled team of accounting personnel who can easily perform your business accounting activities. We serve the CPAs, individual firms, big and small enterprises and the companies.

Our bookkeeping service includes:

  • Preparation of income statement
  • Making cash-flow statements
  • Recording all financial transactions
  • Generating invoices
  • Reporting
  • Making bank reconciliation
  • Preparing balance sheet

These are a few accounting and bookkeeping activities which you can shift to our shoulder and you can free your domestic staff from the monotonous time consuming financial activities. Again, it needs a lot of concentration and accuracy. It depends on the skill and competence of an individual.

However, these are the routine accounting work for every business house. The core activities of the business should not be suffered due to the burden of the day to day business operation. There should be parity between the management and its employee. That means the leader or the manager should look at the proper functioning of the organization. There should be a proper working culture and a clear-cut plan of action which can define the individual goal of each and every staff. This will help the organization to attain the group objective or common business goal.

So for that you, the entrepreneur should keep yourself free from the day to day workload of the business.

We can serve you the best as our team has a great competence in managing the accounting affairs. We comply with the US trade regulation and all the legal things regarding bookkeeping requirement.

So it is not possible for a person having no relevant experience and knowledge to execute the accounting activities. We the outsourced bookkeeping is loaded with:

  • Skilled accounting personnel who can take care of your books of accounts
  • A team of bookkeeping professionals who can take care of your tax filing activities and help you with your customized business requirement.
  • A 24/7 customer care can help to take your queries and act on them
  • Latest infrastructure and technology required in the current industry
  • Knowledge about the latest business regulation and US trade rules.

So just think of it and take a smart way rather than following the traditional way of running a business. Do not hesitate to take our professional help and make your life easy. Trust me…your positive decision can take your business to the heights of success.

The world is changing. You will be nowhere in the picture if you become stationary. Go with the change and get the most. Just make a call to us. Hire us today. Send your electronic rough business data to us and rest all will be taken care of by us. We are the most customer-centric company. We value our clients more than earning money. That is where we are cost-effective; provide a good customer service and being in continuous search of finding out providing you the best latest business services.
