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Small business accounting guidelines book and calculator

Running a small business can cause you to shoulder a lot of burdens, especially in the financial realm. Keeping track of revenues and expenditures to maintain a proper cash flow must be cautiously organized so that you are not off track on your funds or financial records when you are filing taxes.

However, in today’s world, you can hire a freelance accountant or a bookkeeper to help you focus on developing other aspects of your business. However, you as a business owner might encounter chances of being apart from managing your finances.

Therefore, getting some financial knowledge of what is happening in your business’s financial realm might be useful to you so that you can track your business progress and make it run efficiently without third-party interference.

Small business accounting guidelines book and calculator
Small Business Accounting Guidelines: Essential Steps for Running and Scaling Your Business

In this blog, you can learn all the ins and outs of managing small business accounting from experts to take advantage of your financial data!

Small Business Accounting: Knowing the Workflow

Maintaining small business accounting involves tracking your business account to see how you save and spend your business funds and summarizing them into financial statements that can be reviewed and used to improve the business. These are some of the activities you might do if you are managing your accounts:

  • Creating invoices
  • Monitoring cash flow to pay all upcoming expenses
  • Everyday bookkeeping
  • Scrutinizing the payables and receivables so you can track whether customers are promptly paying you. Filing tax returns
  • Preparing financial records and statements

All these activities have to be performed on three reports to provide a detailed overview of your company’s performance to date. They are:

  1. Balance Sheet- Liabilities and assets you own in total
  2. Cash Flow Statement- Cash outflows and income record
  3. Income Statement- Profit and Loss report

Similar to the work done by outsourced bookkeeping services, you, as a sole member, should regularly update the report with relevant reporting tools to boost your company’s growth!

Small Business Accounting: How to Grow

Here are a few ways you can gain a better advantage in the market following these bookkeeping guidelines and build your company:

  1. Accurately Building Financial Projections

Financial projections are the key to helping you choose the best kind of loan or investment. They also help forecast various aspects for different areas of your company, like inventory levels, cash flow, demand shifts, sales capacity, or customer behavior, to help you create long-term financial planning.

  1. Focus on Consistency

Stability is of prime importance in bookkeeping, be it with you or the business process outsourcing services you hire. In this stage, you will set up accurate and consistent accounting processes. You also need to monitor diverse trends surrounding accounts receivables, three-way match different purchase orders and invoices, and receive reports before you input anything into accounts payable.

  1. Stay Organized

Keeping track of income, transactions, and expenses is necessary to keep your finances organized. However, amidst your busy schedule, you might find it difficult to keep track of all these factors on software, spreadsheets, pencil, and paper.

Thus, it’s important that you spend time keeping your finances organized, which does not lead to inconveniences down the lane. If you have the funds, you can also hire accounts payable outsourcing services to get advice to improve your financial management skills and get help with tax preparation so that you can choose a method or establish a system that meets your business needs.

  1. Automating the Software

With the advent of digitization, accounting software can do wonders nowadays. This applies even to entry-level accounting platforms that can track your business expenditures, integrate your account, organize them with parameters, and collect the data for automatic invoicing.

Additionally, this accounting software can generate follow-up reminders on invoices or flag the customers looking at their payment history so you can save time following them manually.


Maintaining your small business’s accounts is an arduous and challenging task that requires time, patience, and experience. It can also become strenuous without the right tools. But thanks to technology today, such as accounting software, which can automate the importation of vital data from your credit card statements and bank accounts directly into the accounting software.

Moreover, with numerous online apps, you can enjoy a modernized accounts receivable process and balanced books. Outsourcing accounts payable is a suitable option, too. Ultimately, no matter what methodology you choose, ensure that your bookkeeping strategy is consistent, accurate, structured, and efficient to track your finances with excellent clarity and have bright business years ahead!

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