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411 University St, Seattle


Tax season is the season every American looks forward to. Deadline of submitting tax returns for 2018 is Tuesday April 17. Preparing Tax returns is an arduous task when the compilation of countless documents and tax forms is an exhaustive one. Understanding the tax returns and the countless documentations hassles is now a thing of the past due to the emergence of specialized Tax consultants. Tax preparation outsourcing services reduces costs by up to 60 % by adding in-house staff with trained onshore and offshore tax professionals. Outsourced Bookkeeping works with diversified range of clients and incorporate best practices to create a clear policy of tax filing.


Key pointers to note as the deadline for Tax Season finale comes closer:


  • Time is a factor

With the expected deadline looming closer, it makes sense to deliver the tax filing well before the date. Tax preparation services is a full time strategy of creating a structure to tax filing process. So being prepared ahead of time is an asset.

  • Refocus Energy elsewhere

By devoting the tax related works to us, you can divert resources to other focus areas. We increase productivity by handling the tenuous tasks of accounting and bookkeeping.

  • A well thought process of clarity and value

The tax returns will be inspected and scrutinized by our computer software. Spending time to look upon the potential problems the IRS may look at while reviewing the calculations to limit IRS contacts. This process is bound to simplify the tax returns to a hilt.

Outsource tax preparation service simplifies the complex world of tax filing. You scan the documents, including W-2s, 1099s and K-1s, into a .pdf file saved in the network, then sends along the prior-year tax file to us. Customers don’t need to sit down and pore hard into the range of documents, specialized companies like Outsource Bookkeeping handles with ease.

Bookkeeping Taken Care of:


  • Some of the firms and customers forgot to keep a good track of the business transactions in the form of Bookkeeping.
  • We step in and create a well-defined compliance adhering to the standard. Creating a schedule C Bookkeeping while handling the personal tax return.
  • Keeping this in mind, we also devise a schedule a bookkeeping system for next year and onwards.
  • Bringing efficiency to the world of tax and bookkeeping in a timely manner is our idea of clarity.


Clear Advantages of tax and bookkeeping services lies in the reduction of the costs and potential savings while cutting down on time wastage. We have an enhanced data protection to prevent pilferage of data. With over 13 years of experience, we build a sheet of commonly overlooked deductions to limit the following year’s tax liability. Getting the tax refund is easier as the returns are filed electronically.

Leave the Tax and Bookkeeping worries with Outsourced Bookkeeping as we help you grow.
