Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Are You Ready for upcoming Tax Season 2018?

Tax season is the season every American looks forward to. Deadline of submitting tax returns for 2018 is Tuesday April 17. Preparing Tax returns is an arduous task when the compilation of countless documents and tax forms is an exhaustive one. Understanding the tax returns and the countless documentations hassles is now a thing of […]

4 Tips for Reducing Business Expenses

Expenses. Every business has them, no doubt about it. How you manage those expenses, however, can make or break whether you’ll continue to realize success or not – especially if you’re just starting out. The key is to reduce business expenses as much as possible so that your bottom line isn’t impacted too significantly. That […]

Tracking Expenses

Small business owners often wear many hats from head chef to chief bottle washer and everything in between. Bookkeeping is one of those many hats and one of the most important. Tracking accounts receivable and accounts payable are fairly simple but what about tracking all those varied and random expenses? Create a filing system for […]

Accounts Receivable for Small Business

Allowing customers to take delivery of good and services on credit encourages them to buy more, which raises sales. Offering discounts to customers who pay quickly can encourage them to settle their accounts and keep revenue flowing well. There will also be times when items will be returned. Using Quickbooks to create invoices, track payments […]

Outsourced Bookkeeping Benefit for Organisations

Outsourcing has always been associated with private businesses, from small and medium enterprises to large multinational companies. In the midst of an economic slowdown, there are other organisations that can benefit from outsourcing. Non-profit Organisations Non-profit organisations have a different financial structure compared to businesses. They are under specific and strict tax laws. Their cash […]
