Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Why Bookkeeping should be Outsourced, See the Benefits Here

What is bookkeeping? Bookkeeping is process which involves systematic recording, analyzing and organizing of financial transactions of a company or an individual. Starting and preserving stable, expert accounting practices is important for the increase of a business. Make sure yours are so with www.outsourcedbookeeping.com. Bookkeeping have to be done on each day foundation i.e. recording […]

4 Tips for Reducing Business Expenses

Expenses. Every business has them, no doubt about it. How you manage those expenses, however, can make or break whether you’ll continue to realize success or not – especially if you’re just starting out. The key is to reduce business expenses as much as possible so that your bottom line isn’t impacted too significantly. That […]

How to use Business Credit Cards wisely

Depending on where you are in your business, using a business credit card may or may not be wise. We’d like to touch on some of the “do’s” and “don’ts” of business credit so you can determine if you are using yours wisely. DO You keep things separated. On this blog we’ve talked about keeping […]

In-House Bookkeeping Vs Outsourced Bookkeeping

Most businesses rely on an in-house bookkeeper to handle their bookkeeping needs. Usually, this in-house bookkeeper is an office assistant who handles bookkeeping in addition to various other tasks. Having bookkeeping handled by non-specialists is error-prone and expensive especially when you can outsource bookkeeping at a fraction of the cost while dramatically improving its quality. […]

Bookkeeping Tasks Done? Check!

I’m a huge fan of checklists and couldn’t live without them. They get me through my day and help me make sure I’m not forgetting something vital. It also saves me from a mountain of post-it notes and little “reminders” that get lost just when you need them. So, if you’re ready to get your […]

Tracking Expenses

Small business owners often wear many hats from head chef to chief bottle washer and everything in between. Bookkeeping is one of those many hats and one of the most important. Tracking accounts receivable and accounts payable are fairly simple but what about tracking all those varied and random expenses? Create a filing system for […]