Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Tracking Expenses

Small business owners often wear many hats from head chef to chief bottle washer and everything in between. Bookkeeping is one of those many hats and one of the most important. Tracking accounts receivable and accounts payable are fairly simple but what about tracking all those varied and random expenses? Create a filing system for […]

Accounting Confusion: Meet PEDAD CLIC

Whether you keep your own books or outsource the bookkeeping to a dedicated professional, it’s important to have a good grasp on bookkeeping basics. We all know our bank account debits and credits but what about all those other accounts we use? Here’s a handy acronym to help you remember how to record transactions properly. […]

The Need for Accounting and Finance Services

Businesses from across the globe are starting to understand the value of outsourcing their non-core functions, such as accounting and finance services. Outsourcing these non-essential tasks allow organizations to keep their focus on more critical tasks so that the business can stay competitive, along with many other benefits that outsourcing has to offer. Today, CEO’s […]

Finance & Accounting Outsourcing

Outsourcing finance functions — like auditing, tax consulting and payroll processing — has been going on for many years. But today, companies increasingly are asking solution providers to manage business processes on more of a turnkey, full-service basis, rather than transnational or processing services. Suppliers like Exult and others lend credibility to the value that […]

Bank Reconciliation

  Bank reconciliations are no one’s favorite chore but they are very necessary.  Whether you have a staff accountant, use a computer program or keep your books by hand, reconciliations should be done promptly every single month to catch errors.  Even if you have strict controls in place, human errors can and often do occur. […]

Expert To Take Care Of Your Accounting Department

Every business organization has its success collectively dependent on financial, HR, and management department. If any of these departments slag behind in performance the success ratio of the company fall down. Financial department or rather call it as an accounting department is one where calculation of monetary transactions that took place over the span of […]

Tips for Successful Small Business Finance and Accounting (F&A) Offshoring

A new article helping small businesses owners and accounting firms to learn how they can successfully outsource their financial and accounting business processes like bookkeeping, account payables, account receivables, Tax returns, etc to offshore vendors. Unlike big corporations who offshore Financial & Accounting business processes, for a small business it is an arduous task. Big corporations […]

Press Release New York

The director of https://outsourcedbookeeping.com/  Mr. Sunil Khullar recently expanded their services for the business community in New York and other states in the East coast of United States. The company provides accounting and financial bookkeeping for your business that will save you 50% compared with regular inland services. Outsourced Bookkeeping will help you with the […]
