Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Great news for all real estate sectors and restaurant segments operating in USA and Canada. Outsourced Bookkeeping is now glad to provide services to real estate agents, property dealers, and integrated real estate developers including restaurant and hospitality sectors.

For Real Estate Business:

The accounting task for real estate business is tedious. There are lots of things to manage and lots of accounts to be maintained. The outsourcing company helps in dealing tenant accounting and provide annual, quarterly and monthly investment reports. Outsourced Bookkeeping also works with condominium associations and low-income housing developers. Their services include accounts payable and maintaining general ledger accounting services.

Outsourced Bookkeeping has a team of talented professionals having US accounting outsourcing experience. The expertise service has a wide range of coverage starting from Tenant Accounting Management to Accounts Payable Management.

The real estate analysts in the team have deep expertise in providing financial analysis, investor related reporting, cash flow statement and simple valuation. We know all about USA & Canada real estate regulations.

No matter whether it is a condominium, retail, commercial, multi-family residential or single family residential, you will get a good tenant accounting and accounts payable services.

The tenant accounting Management includes setting up billing parameters, dealing with late fees, renewal, expansion, and termination of the lease agreement. Apart from that they also look after tenant rent processing, preparing rent statements and Updating tenant records.

The accounts payable management services include coding and allocation of all the expenses to properties like utility bills and other overhead expenses. At the same time, it deals with generating reports, tracking multi levels project expenses.

Thus through delegating the accounting services to an expert hand, the company can enjoy a lot of benefits. The real estate business will get enough time to think about their business expansion and innovation. Outsourced bookkeeping is the perfect solution to delegate the accounting responsibility. The company has the expert hands to generate the regular and monthly financial reports.

The management reporting services include generating property reports according to US GAAP. Outsourced bookkeeping complies with the US trade regulation for calculating real estate insurance, depreciation, and taxes.

Thus the company takes care of all the accounting activities including preparing an income statement and balance sheet.

Now you will get a better hold on your real estate business in terms of real estate tax returns, acquisition, and disposition, estimating of the annual operating budget and cash flow projections.

For Restaurant Business:

In the recent age of competitive marketplace, the restaurant sectors are also not very secured. They want to earn good without deteriorating the quality and customer experience. For that, they need to reduce their cost. However reduced cost does not always mean a reduction in profit. There are other alternatives which can reduce your expenses through providing high-quality accounting solutions and management information.

Grab the opportunity. Take the benefit of the unmatched super combined specialization of experience and capability.

Trust me, you will get a 40 % cost saving benefit with tailored solutions to your business plan. Focus more on the expansion of your restaurant rather than its accounting part. So go for the expert hand for quality improvement. The proven hands will really empower you to focus on strategic business objectives. Your managerial ability will be enhanced with increased customer services.


So do not hesitate to take the expert services. We know the restaurant and hospitality industry are facing lots of challenges these days. Outsourced bookkeeping starts with detail review of the company’s processes and procedures. We believe in developing a client-centric solution.

Your business can quickly adapt the changing accounting needs of the market. This will create better financial transparency and trustworthiness among the employees and customers.

Our restaurant accounting outsourcing services include preparation of Profit & Loss Statements, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Inter-Company Accounting, General Ledger and Consolidated Corporate Reporting. We manage accounts payable services like Vendor Management, invoicing, Tax & License Processing Our restaurant accounting outsourcing services include preparation of Profit & Loss Statements, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement, Inter-Company Accounting, General Ledger and Consolidated Corporate Reporting and Check Processing.

Apart from that we also take care of your Bank Account Reconciliations, Daily Sales, and Cash Deposit Verifications.

Thus with a better Accounts Payable process, your business will able to fetch a greater profit in the competitive platform. Through outsourcing the accounting and financial activities you can avoid paying unwanted fines and interest for late bill payments.

So think twice, determine potential areas of cost-cutting and implement it in your organization to get the best result.
